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This is a link to a promo film onYoutube

What was going through Hasely Stone's head the moments before he was murdered? In an earlier version of Deadly Protocol, I wrote a prologue. It never made the final book because I went to a literary festival and read it out to the audience. Several people pointed out - quite rightly - that the book was about one character, Dr Ronnie Ackerman, and I was starting it with someone completely different. The prologue had to go. But here is what Professor Hasely Stone would have said and thought - if he'd had the chance...

The Big Idea...he’s spent his whole life searching for it. Now he’s found it, he’s determined to enjoy it - if they let him live that long.


Maybe there’s nothing to worry about. Maybe all those blood-curdling threats in the anonymous letters are nothing more that…just idle threats. Maybe he’ll feel better after his morning swim. He usually does. One mile of freestyle at six-thirty every morning, whatever the time zone. Breaststroke is for wimps.


He always swims naked at this time of day. It’s his pool, so why shouldn’t he, Godammit? And he always keeps the water warm - it reminds him of home. A little drop of the Caribbean, four thousand miles away from here in London.


He plunges in headfirst, relishing that split-second when the tepid water rushes into every pore. His mood lifts in an instant. In a few hours, the Press conference will start and then the white kid with the black voice from TnT will make it bigger than even he’d ever dared to dream. No one will be able to touch him then.


​​He reaches the deep end and executes a perfect tumble turn. Not bad for a guy the wrong side of forty-five. Now he’s feeling much more like his usual self - brimming with self-confidence. And why not? He’s got the job of his dreams, three fine-looking boys, a beautiful house in an exclusive part of town...most of all, a Nobel Prize. He has it all. Last night, he even had her. At least, he thinks he did.


“What the -”


His head jolts sideways from the impact of the massive crack...his skull feels as though it’s caving in...the pain, the excruciating pain, he can’t stand the pain...there’s water up his nose…now the pain’s going...thank God it’s’s...



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